Saturday, September 14, 2013

Rasam - Charu Recipe


  • Toor Dal - 1tbsp
  • Tomato - 1 (chopped)
  • Lemon Juice - 1 Lemon
  • Rasam Powder - 1tsp
  • Salt - 1tsp
  • Turmeric - 1/4 tsp
  • Curry Leaves - Few
  • Coriander Leaves - 2 tbsp (chopped)
  • Ghee and Oil - 1:1 (tsps)
  • Seasoning - Mustard Seeds - 1/4 tsp, Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp


  1. Cook Toor Dal and tomato separately with sufficient water.
  2. Mash both Dal and tomato, add 2 cups of water.
  3. Add salt, turmeric and Rasam powder.
  4. Put a thick bottomed vessel on medium flame. Put oil and ghee in it.
  5. Put seasoning in the vessel and when it starts crackling, add mashed Dal and tomato.
  6. Let it boil for about 3 min. Add coriander and curry leaves.
  7. Finally add lemon juice and turn off the flame.
Note - After adding Lemon juice should not boil, it will get bitter taste.

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